Episode Archive
It’s not just for Fuji shooters you know….
A Light Entertainment Photography podcast.
#273 Do I really need the VI, or will the X100V do?
Neale is celebrating 20 years of shooting weddings and planning for the next 20, whilst Kev counts down his final three! Or are they? However, he reveals some big judo plans! Questions and mails today on how to choose Fujifilm simulations when editing in Lightroom or X Raw Studio, whether it’s time to upgrade from the V to the VI in X00-land, a perfect line up of lenses to cover all bases, thoughts about Nikon’s vintage flavoured Zf and content authenticity in this age of ai. There’s also some hot off the press Pic-time news.
#272 More chatter about the X-Pro4 and photographing from space
Kev tries his hand at horse photography at one of high society's biggest events and Neale signs the boys up to set sail on a pirate radio ship. This week, the big Netflix shows currently being watched in the James and Mullins households, looking for a new professional photography career, do lenses need to be perfect or are some of the classics of the Fuji roadmap still a great investment, what’s the wait for a new X-Pro body all about, releasing a book of boudoir, a whisper of focusing issues after a latest X-series firmware update and dream photographic jobs.
Episode #271 No more meetings, I’m becoming a photographer!
Kev’s been wrecking vans but all for a good cause, meanwhile Neale has announced(ish) his latest idea in a long line of ideas from the ideas factory. Today we talk about a Viltrox lens so impressive, it also doubles as a speed-radar(!), swapping back to Adobe products after a time away and why we prefer the tech ecosystem, keeping up with the latest software to edit X100VI files, seeing in black and white, to spot or to evaluate as Shakespeare didn’t actually say, turning pro, in-camera recipes for looks, X RAW Studio, brands logos and fonts and the twenty two immutable laws of marketing, plus MORE long focal length primes please.
#270: Keeping Mr. Google happy & can ChatGPT be your writer?
Neale has his website homework marked by Mr. Mullins, who has spent the last month learning about the most dangerous job in the world - which will be revealed. Also today, a setting that could be slowing your shooting down, an ideal camera for studio strobe work, constant light source is your friend, Instagram’s most cliché shots, using two camera systems alongside each other, changing the way you focus, writing content that will keep Google happy and should you embrace ai to write your content? Plus Kev reviews Sandra Cattaneo Adorno’s new book, Ten Years.
Episode #269: Upgrading your camera: Why? And back to the darkroom
Kev wonders whether his new X-Pro dreams have filtered through to the ‘We shall consider’ file. Meanwhile, switch on your ai face recognition, it has arrived on Pic-Time’s platform, our sponsors and the finest online gallery space. Also today on the show, upgrades, do you need to upgrade from the X-T4 to the X-T5? We also talk about film photography and darkroom printing, having a style about your Instagram grid that is brand recognisable, uploading images to websites and sRGB versus AdobeRGB. Plus it turns out that the boys have alternative skills should they ever need to call upon them; Kev was a Welsh milk boy, and Neale was one of the last petrol pump attendants in Hertfordshire!
Episode #268: Presenting work you HATE and YouTube trolling.
It’s new camera week! The boys are excited over the launch, at last, of the latest Fujifilm X100 camera; the X100VI, or SIX! Aside from the thoughts about the numbering of the camera, we hear about the upgrades, the sensor and the reason to consider this a serious contender for inclusion in that pocket of space you may have in your kit bag. Also today, the photographers (past or present) Neale and Kev would choose to spend quality time with, our thoughts about using third-party lenses, final details about the 2nd March event at the House of Photography in London, supporting each other during times of trouble in the industry and advice for shooting your first professional gig in low light.
Episode #267 The FujiCast Live from the House of Photography 2024
Special guests street photographer Mr. Whisper, the latest Fujifilm X-Photographer Emily Renier and Fujifilm’s Marketing Manager Andreas Georghiades, join Neale in Covent Garden, London at Fujifilm’s House of Photography. Questions to and thoughts from a live audience today include thoughts about on personal authenticity, whether photographers need to concentrate on getting the picture right in camera as opposed to post producing to save or create a picture, high ISO shooting, the rules of realism, the inconsistency too many presets can present, unfashionable tints, the reputation of Fujifilm in the profession and flash products. Also, third party glass and how available the mount is for those wishing to provide an alternative to Fujifilm lenses, phone-like features within an X-series body, how long can the X100 model keep developing, the thought process behind shooting street from Mr. Whisper, choosing music for films and photography slideshows, how to become an X-Photographer and the state of the portrait industry.
Episode #266 The X100VI is here! Plus FujiCast live BOOK NOW!
It’s new camera week! The boys are excited over the launch, at last, of the latest Fujifilm X100 camera; the X100VI, or SIX! Aside from the thoughts about the numbering of the camera, we hear about the upgrades, the sensor and the reason to consider this a serious contender for inclusion in that pocket of space you may have in your kit bag. Also today, the photographers (past or present) Neale and Kev would choose to spend quality time with, our thoughts about using third party lenses, final details about the 2nd March event at the House of Photography in London, supporting each other during times of trouble in the industry and advice for shooting your first professional gig in low light.
Episode #265: When is the X-Pro 4 coming out? And the truth about landscape photography!
Kev’s knee is on the mend at last, fresh from recording an interview with Neale about his life as a working Mullins. Also on the show, buffer speeds slowing down your camera, buggy mechanical shutters, the ideal lens for photographing indoor sport, a firefighting proof camera, logging where you make your pictures with GPS, photography galleries in London and more.
Episode #264: Why don’t I like my photographs?! And content is KING
Neale is on his African odyssey, whilst Kev is left shivering in Malmesbury but the show goes on as normal. Today on the show, the full agenda for our special FujiCast event at the House of Photography in London on the 2nd March this year, camera repairs, Lightroom user tips, squishing and squashing images for the web, learning to love your own pictures, being hard on your creative self, SEO for a new photo business website, custom camera settings and the perfect lens for a perfect job; an Indian wedding.
Episode #263: What do you desire of a new X100 camera? And looking for inspiration
Happy New Year: is it? The question Kev’s friends are asking in Malmesbury - we think it will be, as we look ahead a little more to the FujiCast Live event in London on March 2nd. Today on the show, what the boys would like to find if there is to be a new X100 successor to the V, how to beat the buffer blues when your camera slows down in burst mode, can Red Bull give your camera wings, stealing canapés, social media authenticity, third party lenses for the Fujifilm systems, single slot shooting, and a big engine under the hood of a future X100 model - one of the desires the boys have for the future of Fujifilm’s favourite EDC.
Episode#262 New Year New Camera? Plus finding confidence
The boys find a new fitness guru in Eddie Abbew, so the gauntlet is set for 2024’s health mission! Today ROLL UP ROLL UP, grab your tickets for the FujiCast Live event at the House of Photography in London on Saturday March 2nd featuring us, Mr. Whisper and Emily Renier. Also, when is a camera upgrade due, should we produce a zine, should they even be called zines, what attributes do you need to be a professional photographer, what can I do to solve lack of confidence, what is the five second rule, why are some second hand photo volumes so valuable and other questions?
#261 Twas the show before Christmas and GET YOUR TICKETS FOR MARCH!
The Christmas pressies are arriving into the show. For Kevin, it’s mince pies and for Neale, mushrooms (although not what you’re thinking!) This week the boys open the ticketing for you to come to the special FujiiCast workshop event at the House of Photography in London on Saturday 2nd March. Also today, XH-2 lock-ups and a theory of card husbandry to sort the issue, the trinity of 2024 camera rumours, large v small sensors, blue-tooth headphone suggestion, desks that actually help you lose weight as you work, camera cleaning tips, even more Capture 1 chat, phones that can’t take pictures (!), and where did the clutches go on the Fujifilm lenses?
Episode #260 BIG ANNOUNCEMENT for the FujiCast London event 2nd March 2024
Kev has a dental appointment at two-thirty, TRUE, he really does, so we’re recording this before he finds “Drinks Reception” even harder to say! One thing that’s making him feel better is the big announcement for our FujiCast event at The House of Photography in London on Saturday March 2nd, which we an now officially reveal. At the event, we’ll be hosting workshops on the business of wedding and social photography, using sound within your documentary wedding work, plus special guests Mr. Whisper and Emily Renier will be hosting talks on street photography and wedding work respectively. Today we also talk about how to fit your GFX camera with a modestly priced lens, suggest an X mount lens for a birthday budget, a Capture One white balance issue with Fuji files, what you’d shoot with your last roll of film or digital equivalent of, lavish Italian weddings and, “Should I sell my X100V” asks one listener in confusion?
Episode #259: Selling your work online and books, the best investment
How much are your photobooks worth, and where can you get an idea of their value? Today, the investments that are, photo books, how to use pic-time to sell your work as fine art prints, understanding native and base ISO, the wonder Lightroom’s Denoise, why professional photographers won’t want to use in-camera ai to process pictures on the fly, which focus method should I use in my X-T5, or which works best? Also which pictures good enough to deliver would you hold back from a client due to the content, a question of Nikon that only the Internet can answer on our behalf, personal project advice and resolution needed to make ‘mahoosive' prints.
Episode #258: Should you be taking my photo? And candy shop eyes.
Kev and Neale debate the appropriate nature of street photography with more and more people becoming private about the use of their images on line and in social media, plus they wonder if ‘real' storytelling pictures have been replaced by shadow play and ICM? Kev reminisces about fav wedding images as he prepares to depart ‘Planet Nuptials’ in terms of his professional photography, and the boys select from the incredible list of international venues they’ve photographed at and in.
Episode #257 Buying a phone instead of a camera! And is the 50mm THE ONE?
Kev recalls, let’s just call it, his Hulk moment and Neale’s trying to swap his new 18mm for a 23mm and 35mm - dream on sir! We also talk about the beast that is the 50mm f1, Kev’s cupboard of doom, the return of a Facebook business page, a mini-guide to choosing Lightroom presets, essential non-photographic camera bag kit, and should I buy a new phone with amazing camera or a mirrorless?
Episode #256 Fortune favours the brave and second shooter disaster story
Kev’s having a yard sale! Neale is planning a lens raid of his tardis like cupboard of doom looking for Kev's spare 23 and 35mm lenses as today we ask, can zoom lenses hold a candle to a prime, and what’s better for documentary work plus overall quality? Also camera strap love for Peak Design and Spider Camera Holsters, whilst lamenting the change of design of the latter, electronic and mechanical shutter selection choices, the most extraordinary wedding disaster story, the best kind of time capsule for showing and sharing important family photographs, the Dutch film factory that is or isn’t there in ’23, photographing football and the Beluga whale striker.
Episode #255 Slow that shutter speed down and Kev's X100V for sale?
Neale returns from Nessie hunting in Scotland and Kev prepares to wind up the motor on Rubber Band Airways as he goes to have a fight in Jersey! Today, how to set your Pic-Time account to your region and charging for downloads, the X100V advantage and do you want to buy Kev's, slow shutter speed pictures, new fads in wedding world, interview technique, stepping out of your genre zone, develop problems in LR, why flash could separate you professionally and focusing technique.
Episode #254 The end of the road, the final podcast?
Neale is getting nostalgic about the old school days, giving money away (maybe) and Kev returns from Spain with family news, plus it seems the break has convinced him to retire?!?!? WHAT??? But what from? From photography, from The FujiCast? Is it really the end of the road? We talk about his life decision, how the wedding industry has changed and will change further wedding photographers in the UK. Also this week, Photosophy, the philosophy behind photography, Neale is spotted climbing Mont Blanc or is he, is the X100V a decent professional wedding camera, are we photographing more hours for the same money, and are Tikkety Tokkers really stealing pro photographer’s shots from over their shoulders to make influencer shorts? There’s also a book of the week; Store Front NYC by James and Karla Murray.